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How to Add a Photo to a Blogger Header

                 How to Add a Photo to a Blogger Header

                           By MuhammadAnsar


 The header is one of the first elements users notice while visiting your blog. It typically consists of text, an image or both. Blogger’s default header consists of a text message and an optional slogan you set up when you initially configure your blog. However, you can personalize your page further by adding your own photo into the mix.



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Step 1
Go to to view your account’s dashboard. Click the drop-down arrow located to the right side of your blog’s title and select “Layout” from the context menu. If you're using Blogger’s older template, click “Design” from the blog you wish to configure.
Step 2
Click the “Edit” option within the header section, located toward the top of the screen. The header typically contains the title initially given to your blog.

Step 3
Select whether the photo should be placed behind your blog’s current title and description or whether to replace it entirely. Additionally, click the check box stating “Shrink to Fit” in the event your photo exceeds the blog’s height and width.
Step 4
Click “Browse” if you wish to upload a photo from your computer. If so, click to highlight the photo in question using the subsequent dialog menu, followed by "Open." Otherwise, click the “From the Web” button found within the header section and paste the picture's direct link. This URL is typically found in your Web browser's address bar.
Step 5
Click “Save” to effectively apply the photo as your blog’s new header.





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